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How do I share my story?


Do you have a story that connects to a larger social issue? Do you have knowledge of wrongdoing and want to expose it via the media? 




Enter your contact information in the form below.


Do not use a work email address or an employer-issued device.


We will treat any information you share with the utmost confidentiality, however we cannot guarantee the digital security of your information. To ensure you protect yourself when sharing information, the Freedom of the Press Foundation has some helpful tips.



The team follows up with those who share stories and information via their preferred communication method. Where appropriate, we solicit more information — screenshots, recordings, first-person accounts, corroboration from other witnesses — all off-the-record.


If the information is deemed newsworthy, the team compiles relevant story information and privately shares it with a network of trusted journalists. If the information is sensitive in nature, we will only use encrypted channels to communicate with journalists, and will not include personally-identifiable-information. 


We serve as a sounding board for sources, answering questions about speaking with the media, helping set terms for conversation (on background, off the record), and providing connections to free 30-minute consultations with legal counsel if the source is sharing sensitive information.

By submitting your story you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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